KSOE Tuition and Fees


The Board of Trustees reviews rates of tuition and fees at least annually. Funding a high-quality education is one of the best investments a person can ever make for themselves and for the future. We strive to make your Saint Mary's educational investment accessible and affordable. The cost of tuition, fees and charges vary by program and degree. Tuition for yearly Ed.D., BALOS and MA Leadership cohorts will stay the same for the duration of that particular cohort's program.

The tuition rates listed below go into effect for Summer 2024.


2024-2025 Program Tuition Rates



ProgramPer Unit Cost
Master of Arts in Counseling (all specializations)$1,145
School Counseling PPS Credential$1,145
Education Specialist in School Psychology (EdS) $1,145
Double MA$1,145



ProgramPer Unit Cost
Doctorate in Educational Leadership (EdD)$1,240
Master of Arts in Leadership$1,060
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Organizational Studies            $908


Teacher Education

ProgramPer Unit Cost
Master of Arts in Teaching$1,145
Master of Education in Special Education$1,145
Education Specialist (Special Education) Credential$1,100
Multiple Subject Teacher Education Credential$1,100
Single Subject Teacher Education Credential$1,100
Bilingual Authorization in Spanish$745


Forensic Psychology

ProgramPer Unit Cost
Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology$1,145
Double MA$1,145
Trauma Certificate$745


Academic Centers

ProgramPer Unit Cost
Comprehensive Literacy Center Please contact Annie Browne


Deposit fee:

  • $250 non-refundable deposit payable within 14 days of program admittance notification. Deposit applied to first semester's tuition. 

Miscellaneous fees:

  • Late registration fee: $100
  • Computer lab fee: $25 (Technology courses only)
  • Course fee (for readers, handouts, and supplies): variable, $5-$35.00/course
  • Graduate commencement degree processing fee: $125
  • Competency evaluation fee: variable, $25-$500/course
  • Challenge examination fee: variable, $100-$1,000/course
  • Audit fee: $80/credit hour
  • In-progress fee (eff. 2023): $250/term (Required of all students enrolled in COUN 550, EDAD 592/597, EDUC 594/598, EDUC 592/597, MAIT 404, or MATS 532 after the first term)*
  • Transcript: $5/per copy (obtain from the Office of the Registrar)

*Students who do not complete the requirements for Thesis (EDUC 592, MATS 532), Synthesis Project (EDUC 597), Counseling Master’s Project or Thesis (COUN 550) or Capstone Project (MAIT 404)  in one term are required to enroll on an in-progress basis for each succeeding fall and spring terms (including the term in which their work will be completed, even if this is the January or summer term).

Payment of the $250 in-progress fee provides access to faculty advisors and other resources. No refund of the in-progress fee will be made. If the thesis or synthesis project is not finished within two and a half years of initial enrollment in the course (i.e., 3 semesters of IP), re-enrollment in COUN 550, EDAD 592/597, EDUC 594/598, EDUC 592/597, MATS 532 or MAIT 404 at full tuition is required.



Students will receive all bills (e-bill) by email to their SMC email account. Payments may be made by check, cashier's check, money order or cash. Checks should be made payable to “Saint Mary’s College” with your student identification number written on the check. The Business Office no longer accepts credit card payments for tuition fees.

Students must submit payment in full or payment plan confirmation to the SMC Business Office by the date specified in the billing notice or they may be dropped from their classes. Students with delinquent balances will be denied registration for a new term, participation in commencement activities, and other student services. Delinquent balances will be subject to collection procedures.


Payment options:

  • Students can authorize an eCheck payment without a convenience fee. Similar to a debit card, e-check electronically debits a checking or savings account. ECheck is only available on our website.
  • Students can view bills, make payments, and set up authorized payers at http://gaelxpress.sxtcyb.com. Students and authorized payers can also view current account activity by clicking on "Account Status."
  • Saint Mary's will continue to accept checks, money orders, and cash in person at the Business Office; or checks and money orders by mail to: Business Office, P.O. Box 4600, Moraga CA 94575-4600. When mailing in a check payment, please print the PDF version of your bill. Return the bottom portion with your remittance.
  • Loose coins will not be accepted in large quantities. Rolled coins will only be accepted up to $15.
  • Graduate and professional students may enroll in an internal three-month payment plan at $50 per term (2-month plan for the summer term only). A signed payment contract must be submitted to the Business Office each term. Please call 925.631.4209 for more information regarding the three-month payment plan.
  • Bank Wire Transfers in U.S. Dollars can be wired to:
    Saint Mary's College of California
    Bank of America
    300 Lakeside Drive, Suite 250
    Oakland CA 94612
    Account # 1473-8-00888
    ABA Transit number 0260-0959-3

(On the memorandum section of the wire, please include the student's name and social security number, and any other appropriate identification.) 

*Bank to Bank ACH payments may be made. However, please notify the Business Office at business@sxtcyb.com to ensure proper posting as ACH payments to do not automatically post to student accounts.

Tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notice